IfyouthinkthatthestockROMonyourSamsungGalaxy S3 isfaulty,oryouwanttoflashbacktoapreviousversion,thenyoucanflashstockROMviaODINonSamsungGalaxyS3.
- Samsung Original Full Repair firmware (4 files) (PDA,AP,MODEM,PHONE,CP,BL,BOOTLOADER,CSC,PIT FILES) (PDA,AP,Modem,Phone,CP,BL,Bootloader,CSC,PIT Files) Download Samsung Original firmware (Stock Rom).All Model Samsung 4 files Repair Original flash file.Download Now Here Samsung All Model.
- Jan 25, 2018 - Baixar Rom Full Repair Firmware (4 arquivos) (PDA, AP, MODEM, PHONE, CP, BL, BOOTLOADER, CSC, PIT FILES). DICA: Para facilitar a.
Baixar Rom Full Repair Firmware (4 arquivos) (PDA, AP, MODEM, PHONE, CP, BL, BOOTLOADER, CSC, PIT FILES) DICA: Para facilitar a busca, pressione F3 ou Ctrl + F >> digite seu modelo. We have got the most recent versions of the Odin for download below. When extracting the firmware, if you get a file that begins with BL prefix, then use that file in the BL tab. The AP tab can use the full firmware when only one.tar is extracted from the firmware. The CP tab used the file whose name begins with CP prefix. 1- hi guys, should i flash 'BL - CP - CSC' or only the AP file? 2- what if i only flash AP file? 3- what is the purpose of changing the CSC to another region? Does that means that i will receive the update via ota at the same time with the flashed csc region? 4- can i only flash a new csc or i. ما هي خانات bl, ap, cp, csc في الاودين؟ عندما تقوم بتشغيل الاودين للمرة الأولى، سترى نافذة Odin تحتوي على الكثير من الأزرار والخيارات مثل BL, AP, CP, PDA, CSC, UserData بالإضافة إلى PIT.
1. Backupalltheimportantdataofyourphonesuchasmessages,contacts,etc.
2. MakesurethatyourSamsungGalaxy S3 ischargedfullyorabove80%.
3. DownloadODIN for Windows or Odin For MacandtheninstallitonyourPC
4 DownloadSamsungGalaxyMD5File
4. Download7ZiporWinRAR
Seealso –HowtorootSamsungGalaxyi9300onAndroid4.3JellyBean
ODINisaprogramthatcanusetheMD5filetoinstallROMsonyourdevice.ThisMD5filecanbeanythingsuchasmodems,recoveriesorevenROMs.BeforeyoustartwiththeprocessofflashstockROMviaODINonSamsungGalaxyS3, updateyourdevicedrivers.Itcanbedoneintwoways,eitheryoucansearchovertheinternetforyourupdateddriversandthendownloadandinstallitonyourPC.TheotherwayisdownloadingorupdatingKies.Theninstallorupdatedrivers.Afterinstallingthedrivers,restartyourPC.
ProcesstoflashstockROMviaODINonSamsungGalaxy S3
1. InstallODINandopenit.WhereyouseethePDAbutton,browsetotheMD5fileyoudownloaded;itshouldhavea.tarextension.
2. DisconnectyourdevicefromyourPC
Samsung Odin Bl Ap Cp Csc Download
3. Putyourgalaxy s3 indownloadmode,hold (Volumedown + Home + Power),thenpressvolumeup
4. Connectyourgalaxy S3 intotoyourPCandwaitforOdintorecognizeit
5. Amessagewillbeatthebottom “ADDED” whenOdinrecognizedyourdevice:DonotcheckRe-Partition
6. Afterfewminutes,acoloredboxwillappear.‘COM:3’.ItmeansyourPChasdetectedthedevice,andeverythingisreadytoflashstockROMviaODINonSamsungGalaxyS3.
7. ClickStart
Odin Csc
Note:ThismethodisapplicableforGalaxy S3 AT&T,Verizon,US,Cellular,T-Mobile,Sprint,Metro,Cricket,LTE.
Seealso –HowtoupdateSamsungGalaxytoAndroid4.4KitKat
Odin Bl Vs Ap
Seealso –HowToFixSlowChargingProblemOnSamsungGalaxy