See more of Star Wars Trilogy Despecialized Edition on Facebook. Create New Account. See more of Star Wars Trilogy Despecialized Edition on Facebook. Team Negative 1 just released their 'Star Wars: 35mm Silver Screen Theatrical Version' It is a full 35mm transfer with cleanup and it looks awesome! I wanted to test out some After Effects Noise Reduction plugins, and there are some really noisy scenes in this 35mm print of Star Wars that make for some good tests. 'Star Wars Despecialized Edition' But the next best thing might be the “Star Wars Despecialized Edition.”A group of film restoration wonks got together in the forums of and set out to meticulously restore “Star Wars,” “The Empire Strikes Back,” and “Return of the Jedi” to as near to their original states as possible. Dubbed 'The Silver Screen Edition,' the project was completed by an anonymous group going under the name Team Negative1, and is largely taken from a Spanish-language low-fade 35mm print, with.
Star Wars Silver Screen Edition Download Pc
Yoda a 'one man joke machine'? If that's what you thought of him then you didn't even understand EMPIRE at all.
Could I make a better film than STAR WARS? No, and neither could Lucas, even though he tried, and failed with the Special Editions. I will continue to 'complain' about the SE's (and the not even worth mentioning prequels) because I have every right to. I can only assume you are young were unable to be a part of STAR WARS before it was forever sullied by unnecessary tinkering. Long live the originals!